Outstanding camellias
In the nomenclature, we show flowers of camellias. Here are photos of camellias outstanding by their size or habit.

The oldest collection of camellias planted in Europe, in 1828, at Chiswick House, in London (United Kingdom).

In Locarno (Switzerland), this 'Oscar Borrini', in the Gardini Pioda.

In the Botanical Gardens of Villa Taranto in Verbania Pallanza (VO), on Lake Maggiore (Italy).

Madame Pépin at the Villa Orsi, in the village of Pieve di Compito (LU), Italy.

One of the great subjects of the Prado do Repouso Cemetery in Porto (Portugal).

The Reticulata sector in the Terra Nostra Park (Azores, Portugal) with its large subjects, remarkable at the time of flowering, because of their very large flowers.

In Pillnitz, near Dresde (Germany), this C. japonica was planted more than 250 years ago by the king George III, then, king of England and Hanover. Every winter, an haven is built around it to protect it from the cold.

One of the camellias cultivated in container at the Royal Greenhouses of Laeken. Bruxelles (Belgium).
Dans les jardins publics ou privés en France :
In public or private gardens in France:

The camellias pruned as ball at Domaine de Carheil, in Plessé, near Nantes.

One of the centenary camellias in the Domaine de Trévarez.