Private Garden - Chiusa Borrini - Pieve di Compito - Italy
We end our visits to the private gardens of Pieve di Compito, with the Chiusa Borrini, the Borrini nursery. There we find the old camellias from the Borrini nursery, the 150 new varieties from Guido Cattolica, the current owner and descendant of the Borrini family as well as his tea culture (C. sinensis) since 1990.
The Chiusa can be visited during the Mostra Antiche Camelie delle Lucchesia jointly with the nearby Villa Borrini. We did the tour with the owner, who had first welcomed us at Villa Borrini. You can see the Chiusa from Via della Torre, near the Sant'Andrea Apostolo church.

We start the visit with the old camellias of the Chiusa, which are a reference. First of all,'Giardino Santarelli' and 'Marmorata'.
We go deeper into the woods of old camellias, with 'Stella di Compito' another reference plant. It is widely represented in Italian gardens.

During the visit, among the old camellias, we discover Guido Cattolica's cultivars.

These two originations from Guido Cattolica are a tribute to his mother and father.
During the visit is the view over the tea plantations.

At the end of the visit, the view of the Chiusa, going up Via del Torre towards the Church of Sant'Andrea Apostolo.