Do you know the bambouseraie d'Anduze
It is a marvellous and very exotic place...
It is a small walk of one and a half hour that can be done with a guide or alone. An extraordinary collection of bamboos can be found.
The bamboo plantation is very rich, in addition to the bamboos, you can find many trees (for example Ginko Biloba, Sequoias centenaries) and a very pretty collection of camellias (around fifty in the nomenclature), to be visited in February and March.
On the basis of our various visits, here are pictures:

Another facet of the bambouseraie, the japanese garden& camellias can also be found there:

A new alley, another atmosphere...

Lagerstroemia& before the visit of the nursery.

And to finish, one of the superb rose-bay trees at the entry of the park.

Do not forget that you can come to visit the Bambouseraie with the Steam train of Cevennes (departure St Jean of Gard, destination Anduze).